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In this post we will show that the local state monad of (Plotkin & Power, 2002) (which was suggested by Peter O’Hearn) has rank. In other words, dependent on the choice of values used for the state, the local state monad preserves $\lambda$-filtered colimits for a regular cardinal $\lambda$.


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Regular cardinals and filtered colimits

Regular cardinals generalize the statement “a finite union of finite sets is finite”.

definition1.1Regular cardinal (Borceux, 1994, Page I.268) An infinite cardinal $\lambda$ is regular when, for arbitrary sets $J$ and $\{ X_j\}_{j \in J}$, it satisfies \[ \left( \left|J\right| < \lambda \, \wedge \, \forall j \in J, X_j < \lambda \right) \;\Rightarrow\; \left| \bigcup_{j \in J} X_j \right| < \lambda \] i.e. a union of size less than $\lambda$ of sets size less than $\lambda$ is size less than $\lambda$.

For a filtered category, every finite diagram over it has a cocone. For a $\lambda$-filtered category, we want every diagram of size less than $\lambda$ over it has a cocone. This leads to the following definition.

definition1.2$\lambda$-filtered category (Borceux, 1994, Page I.268) Let $\lambda$ be a regular cardinal. A category $\cat{C}$ is $\lambda$-filtered when

  1. there exists at least one object in $\cat{C}$,
  2. given a set $J$ with $\left\vert J \right\vert < \lambda$ and a family $\left( C_j \in \cat{C} \right)_{j \in J}$ of objects of $\cat{C}$, there exists an object $C \in \cat{C}$ and a morphisms $f_j \colon C_j \to C$,
  3. given a set $J$ with $\left\vert J \right\vert < \lambda$ and a family $\left(f_j \colon C_j \to C' \, \right)_{j \in J}$ in $\cat{C}$, there exists an object $C'' \in \cat{C}$ and a morphism $f \colon C' \to C''$ such that $f \circ f_{j_1} = f \circ f_{j_2}$ for all $j_1, j_2 \in J$.

We then have the desired property.

lemma1.3$\lambda$-filtered cocone (Borceux, 1994, Page I.269) Let $\lambda$ be a regular cardinal and $\cat{C}$ a $\lambda$-filtered category. For every category $\cat{D}$ such that the cardinality of all of its arrows is less than $\lambda$ and every functor $F \colon \cat{D} \to \cat{C}$, there exists a cocone on $F$.

Recall that finite limits commute with filtered colimits in $\Set$. Thus, $\lambda$-filtered colimits and $\lambda$-limits are defined to achieve an analogous theorem.

definition1.4$\lambda$-filtered colimits and $\lambda$-limits (Borceux, 1994, Page I.268) Let $\lambda$ be a regular cardinal.

  1. By a $\lambda$-filtered colimit in a category $\cat{C}$ we mean the colimit of a functor $F \colon \cat{D} \to \cat{C}$ where the category $\cat{D}$ is $\lambda$-filtered.
  2. By an $\lambda$-limit in a category $\cat{C}$, we mean the limit of a functor $F \colon \cat{D} \to \cat{C}$ where $\cat{D}$ is a small category and the cardinality of the union of all of its arrows is less than $\lambda$.

theorem1.5$\lambda$-filtered colimits and $\lambda$-limits commute in $\Set$ (Borceux, 1994, Page I.269) Let $\lambda$ be a regular cardinal. In $\Set$, $\lambda$-limits commute with $\lambda$-filtered colimits.

definition1.6Rank of a functor (Borceux, 1994, Page II.272) A functor $F \colon \cat{C} \to \cat{D}$ has rank $\lambda$, for some regular cardinal $\lambda$, when $F$ preserves $\lambda$-filtered colimits. It has rank when it has rank $\lambda$ for some regular cardinal $\lambda$.

definition1.7Finite sets and injections Let $I$ denote the category whose objects are the sets $n \defeq \{ 1, \ldots, n \}$ for $n \in \N$ (so that $0 = \emptyset$) and whose maps are injections.

Under category

definition1.8Under category Let $\cat{C}$ be a category and $x \in \cat{C}$. Then the under category $x / C$ has as objects $f \colon x \to y$ maps in $\cat{C}$ and morphisms $g \colon (f_1 \colon x \to y_1) \to (f_2 \colon x \to y_2)$ are given by maps $g \colon y_1 \to y_2$ in $\cat{C}$ such that


Distributive law of monads

definition1.9Distributive law (Beck, 1969) Let $(T, \eta^T, \mu^T)$ and $(S, \eta^S, \mu^S)$ be monads over the same category. A distributive law of $S$ over $T$ is a natural transformation $\theta \colon TS \to ST$ such that the following diagrams commute:

proposition1.10Composed monad from distributive law (Beck, 1969) Let $(T, \eta^T, \mu^T)$ and $(S, \eta^S, \mu^S)$ be monads over the same categoryand $\theta \colon TS \to ST$ a distributive law of $S$ over $T$. Then $(ST, \eta^S \eta^T, \mu^S \mu^T \circ S \theta T)$ is a monad. That is, the functor $ST$ is a monad with unit and multiplication given by


2Original definition

Let $V \in \Set$ be a fixed set, and define the functor $S \colon I^{\op} \to \Set$ by $S(n) \defeq V^n$ on objects and for a morphism $\rho \colon n \to m$ in $I$, \[ \begin{aligned} S(\rho) \colon S(m) &\to S(n) \cr (v_{1}, \ldots, v_{m}) &\mapsto \left(v_{\rho(1)}, \ldots, v_{\rho(n)}\right) \end{aligned} \] i.e. re-indexing by $\rho$. Then the monad for local state of (Plotkin & Power, 2002) on $[I, \Set]$ , suggested to them by Peter O’Hearn, is

labeled2.1 \[ (TX)(n) \defeq S(n) \Rightarrow \int^{m \in (n / I)} S(m) \times X(m) \]

For the functorial actions of $TX$, let $\rho \colon n \to p$ in $I$. Then $n \leq p$, and so define $q \defeq p - n$ so that $\rho \colon n \to n + q$. Observe that $S(n + q) \simeq S(n) \times S(q)$. Thus, a map of type $(TX)(\rho) \colon (TX)(n) \to (TX)(n + q)$ is equivalent to a map of type \[ \left(S(n) \Rightarrow \int^{m \in (n / I)} S(m) \times X(m)\right) \times S(n) \times S(q) \to \int^{m' \in \left((n + q) / I\right)} S(m') \times X(m'). \] We can then use evaluation at $S(n)$ and colimit preservation of $- \times S(q)$, followed by the inclusion of the $m$-th component of the domain coend into the $(m + q)$-th component of the codomain coend, to define the functorial action. Note that the category of which we take the coend over changes. We will not recall the monad structure of $T$ here.

To make our later proofs simpler and more modular, we will work with an alternative definition of $T$. Namely, we will decompose $T$ into two monads $F$ and $B$ with a distributive law $\theta \colon BF \to FB$ such that their composition is $T$.

3Modular definition

Let $V \in \Set$ be a fixed set and define $S \colon I^{\op} \to \Set$ as before. The distributive law we will use is from (Melliès, 2014). Their distributive law is between the fiber monad $F$ and the basis monad B.

definition3.1Fiber monad The fiber monad $F$ on $[I, \Set]$ is defined on $X \colon I \to \Set$ by \[ (FX)(n) \defeq S(n) \Rightarrow \left( S(n) \times X(n) \right) \] so that it is “fiberwise” the global state monad.

What is the functorial action of $FX \colon I \to \Set$?

(Staton, 2010, Section 4.1)



  1. Plotkin, G., & Power, J. (2002). Notions of Computation Determine Monads. In M. Nielsen & U. Engberg (Eds.), Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures (pp. 342–356). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-45931-6_24
  2. Borceux, F. (1994). Handbook of Categorical Algebra: Volume 1: Basic Category Theory (Vol. 1). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511525858
  3. Borceux, F. (1994). Handbook of Categorical Algebra: Volume 2: Categories and Structures (Vol. 2). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511525865
  4. Beck, J. (1969). Distributive laws. In H. Appelgate, M. Barr, J. Beck, F. W. Lawvere, F. E. J. Linton, E. Manes, M. Tierney, F. Ulmer, & B. Eckmann (Eds.), Seminar on Triples and Categorical Homology Theory (pp. 119–140). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/BFb0083084
  5. Melliès, P.-A. (2014). Local States in String Diagrams. In G. Dowek (Ed.), Rewriting and Typed Lambda Calculi (pp. 334–348). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-08918-8_23
  6. Staton, S. (2010). Completeness for Algebraic Theories of Local State. In L. Ong (Ed.), Foundations of Software Science and Computational Structures (pp. 48–63). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-12032-9_5